This topic has become popular among funding agencies. It's important to stay on top of innovation in order to stay relevant with the hope of making progress. Innovation can mean a variety of different things to different entities depending on their particular situation. The essence is in the focus on newness, improvement, and the spread of ideas or technologies.
A great resource for ideas and support services on digital innnovation is the Center on Rural Innovation and it's sister organization, Rural Innovation Strategies, Inc.
Here's a great story of a rural community repurposing a vacant building into an innovation hub. (click on the video in the link to see the inspiring story.)
For manufacturing related innovation programs, K-State has two programs available, Technology Development Institute and Great Plains Technology Manufacturing Cluster.
Kansas Manufacturing Solutions is another source of manufacturing assistance. Brochure
Funding agencies that often have programming specifically for innovation is USDA, SBA, and EDA. USDA has a Resource Guide on Rural Workforce Development.