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Kansas Broadband – The Kansas Office of Broadband Development was established in 2020 to help ensure all Kansans have the opportunity to live, work, learn and compete in a global economy by improving universal access to quality, affordable and reliable broadband. Currently, there are not any open funding opportunities. We encourage you to check their website often and/or sign up for email notifications of new programming opportunities.

National Telecommunications International Association (NTIA) - NTIA is engaged in a range of efforts to increase broadband Internet access and adoption in America, which supports economic growth, job creation, and improved education, health care, and public safety. NTIA’s BroadbandUSA program serves communities, industry and nonprofits that want to expand broadband infrastructure and promote digital inclusion. BroadbandUSA’s services are driven by the needs and interests of state and local broadband leaders, and focus on encouraging private partnerships, supporting planning efforts, helping to identify funding, and implementing public-private broadband partnerships. NTIA also conducts research and analysis into broadband usage and adoption through our Digital Nation initiative.

KDOC – CDBG Community Facilities Grant Program  - The CDBG annual competition has added broadband to the list of eligible activities in their Community Facilities Category. This is a new activity. We recommend contacting KDOC for specific eligibility requirements for this category.

The American Rescue Plan Act/House Bill 1319 (ARPA) – Broadband is an eligible funding category within the ARPA program at both the city and county level. Be sure to learn the specific eligibility requirements before accessing ARPA funds for broadband use. The U. S. Treasury has a plethora of information on their website. The Kansas Office of Recovery is also a great resource.


Broadband 101

Federal Funding Guide

Data and Mapping Tools

Rural Innovation Strategies, Inc.

Center on Rural Innovation

For Inspiration....

Interested in Joining?

The Southeast Kansas Economic Developers Coalition is directed by our regional coordinator, Susan Galemore. Susan has twenty plus years of experience working in economic development in Southeast Kansas. SEKEDC meets quarterly to discuss the economic development needs of southeast Kansas. If you would like further information, please email Susan, or call her at 620.212 .3302
